
The "Yin-Yang" Series Housing Model: How It Helps Shape the Denver Highlands

Word has spread. Denver is a great city to live in. And as Denver natives, the team that forms Denver Development Group strives to constantly improve the communities around them—their communities, the ones they themselves grew up in. The Denver Highlands in particular are blossoming, and the DDG team is committed to improving the area while its population grows.

Enter the Yin-Yang Series Housing Model.

1324-26 Zenobia & 1328-30 Zenobia: Double-Duplex Model

1324-26 Zenobia & 1328-30 Zenobia: Double-Duplex Model

The idea for the Yin-Yang Model was the product of innovative thinking and architectural prowess, pulled together into one coherent vision by Keith Gallegos (founding DDG member). It serves as a beautiful, yet practical double-duplex style family housing model with a timeless design to fit the increasing population & cultural significance of the Denver area. Basically, it’s an innovative way to provide luxurious modern living—at an affordable price—on the Denver market.

The genius in the design comes down to the Yin-Yang’s usage of space. As population increases, so too does the need for careful planning and use of square footage. Properties are only so big, and cities that have burgeoned in the past have suffered from poor planning and use of the space available. In order to maximize the amount of comfort per square footage, the Yin-Yang Model was formed. In addition, the model also increases the property value for an investor (while keeping the cost down for the average American family). In the sweet spot between comfort, affordability, and space, we find the Yin-Yang Model.

Efficient use of space & cost effective

Efficient use of space & cost effective

The different units (four in all) are built as single-family households, with all the amenities afforded the modern home. The city of Denver bloomed in the mid-1900’s, when downtown was formed. But it’s the 21st century, and technology is booming. Homes are as new and exciting as the next Apple product, and thanks to Denver Development Group’s commitment to design that stands the test of time, the Yin-Yang Model takes into account this shift toward the future. Smart products fill out the home; modern finishes open up the house like a canvas; HDMI, USB, and other house tech upgrades are built in; and it’s topped off with open balconies and top-floor patios outfitted for cookouts.

Affordability, comfort, and location — the Yin Yang Series, located in the bustling Denver Highlands, is ideal for every phase of real estate. Investors get the most bang for their buck. Developers flex their chops and put together an innovative product. Homeowners make their purchase knowing that they have invested in a high-quality home for their families.

A vision of home

A vision of home

As Denver Development Group works to improve the livelihood and culture of Denver, the team hopes that the Yin-Yang Series of Housing Models helps to shape the Highlands for the better. The word’s out: Denver is a great place to live.

We concur.

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Denver Development Group is comprised of industry vets looking to make their mark on the communities they love. We work with investors, real estate agents, current or aspiring homeowners, and more.

How can we help today?

Breaking Ground! | 1330 Zenobia


One of our properties has broken ground! This is always an exciting time for a developer. Lots of conversations, changing construction plans, and contracts have to take place before a project is ready to move forward. And up until this point, the property is simply a mere plot of land, potential unrealized. The full picture hasn’t been filled in. But now, in this phase, the idea begins to take physical shape, the same idea that had just taken months to prepare. Soon, the construction will be in full swing, and before you know it, it’ll be on the market. But those months will fly by because the construction process is a time-consuming one. Many hours of blood, sweat, and tears will be put in over the next few months to make that idea a reality, and there’s no getting around that.

The other exciting part of breaking ground is the physical sense of progress that it represents. For a lengthy amount of time, developers are working on something abstract—an idea, perhaps recorded on paper and email, but nonexistent in the physical world. To finally break ground is to give the project a sense of progress that it did not have before. Now, things are moving. This is where it gets good. Getting through of the initial grind is the single most important step. Everything needs to be just right. 

The immediate next steps are also vital ones. Excavation and the pouring of the foundation define a project right from the get go. Thankfully, that’s what regulations, guidelines, and inspections are for. Denver Development Group always makes sure the process is followed to the T, and by doing so ensures a worry-free construction. We take time to make sure everything is done with the best possible quality.   

Regardless, it’s an exciting time for the 1330 Zenobia project. It’s also exciting because this is only one of the many projects that DDG is managing currently, each with unique assets and strategies being employed. Coupled with the strong Denver economy, and it looks like breaking ground is truly only the beginning of an exciting year, both for the Zenobia project and DDG as a whole.